New Review for Praeconium Solitudinis
New Review for Praeconium Solitudinis by Johan Van Veen: "Anyone who likes the (baroque) violin will greatly enjoy these outstanding and incisive performances." and "There is every reason to do so. That is due to the choice of pieces. Some of them are very familiar, such as the extracts from Bach’s music for violin solo and the Passacaglia which closes Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber’s Mystery sonatas. However, most pieces are not that well-known, or at least not in the way they are played here. Gatti has selected several pieces by Bach that are intended for keyboard, which he then has arranged for violin. The same is the case with the pieces by Silvius Leopold Weiss, which are all written for lute, and which Gatti has transcribed for the violin. They work very well that way, offering a different perspective. This seems to me an interesting option for other violinists. From a historical point of view there is no objection to this practice whatsoever."
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