Would you like an unknown symphony by Mozart generated by ChatGPT?
On Spotify you can find more and more pop music generated by AI.
Passive users looking for uncostumited "Vanilla content" opt to listen to whatever is suggested to them by the platform's algorithms, including AI-generated songs.
Composing pop music is not complicated for AI because the musical structure is quite simple. Generating audio of a pop band is also possible for AI, as it's not very difficoult to imitate drums, e-guitars, keyboards and human voices.
Investing a lot of money in teaching AI to compose pop music is very profitable because there are milions of people listening to it.
The structure and the armonies of a Mozart symphony are more sophisticated. The sound of an orchestra is an intricate mixture of many flexible-sounding instruments. Classical music lovers are not as numerous, so maybe Spotify has no interest in creating Mozart's Symphony No. 42 K999!
But... what if they did?
Would you like to listen to new music coming from that Salzburg genius's brain? Or would you refuse everything generated by algorithms?
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