Jean-Yves Duperron reviews PRAECONIUM SOLITUDINIS on www.theclassicalsentinel.com
Thanks to Jean-Yves Duperron and Classical music Sentinel for the enthusiastic review about Enrico Gatti's recent work PRAECONIUM SOLITUNIS: "This conceptualization, along with the spatial qualities of the audio recording, draw your mind back a few centuries. Interspersed with nature sound "Promenades" as in Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition (interludes to reflect on what you've seen or heard), the whole recording makes it feel like you, the listener, are wandering through time, eavesdropping on private composing sessions by each individual composer. What you're left with is a strong impression of the composer's intent, and not just simply the image of a person standing in front of microphones bowing on a violin. You can feel that violinist Enrico Gatti has totally immersed his art and life in the pursuit of an intimate understanding of baroque music for the solo violin. Now if only all recording projects were undertaken with this much care and commitment, it would set a new paradigm of musical utopia."