on Süddeutsche Zeitung 27. May 2023 by Harald Eggebrecht
"The Italian guitarist Marco Minà has recorded these nine character pieces for the first time on the basis of the manuscripts, having visited Henze in his villa La Leprara and pointed out inconsistencies between the printed version by Julian Bream and Henze's original manuscript. In his captivating recording, Minà not only corrects several errors, but also places the ritornello between the individual characters, as Henze had wished. Under Minà's hands, a ravishingly witty sequence of characters emerges, which does not make one think of the Hammerklavier Sonata, but rather of Robert Schumann's multi-figured "Carnaval". Full of variety, brilliance and richness of thought, Marco Minà succeeds in creating a Shakespearean panorama. Plus a DVD about the Henze Villa. "
Read more on https://www.sueddeutsche.de/kultur/