Copyright © 2021 NovAntiqua Records - All Rights Reserved.
"Canzoneta, va!", a musical journey between France and Italy: courtly love and chivalry in the texts and music of ancient troubadours. The Provençals Raimbaut De Vaquerais, Aimeric de Peguilhan, Guillelma de Rosers, Giraut de Borneill introduced courtly poetry in Provençal to the Italian courts, influencing Italian troubadours, jongleurs and poets as Sordel, Lanfranc Cigala, Gherardo Patecchio and others. Their works resonate in the performance of the Italian ensemble Murmur Mori.
NovAntiqua Records helps Afghan music students to come and study in Modena, Italy! Let's give them a new opportunity!
Our label started the campaign #aburningviolin and donated all the profits of our webshop between November 1st 2021 and January 15th 2022 to contribute covering their travel and Visa expenses.
The webshop campaign is now over but you can still donate: